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How to Verify That a Company is Registered Legally?


Starting to join a business that is reputable and registered legally is expected by all to begin on a positive note. However, if the company is not legally registered, then it is important to know beforehand. So, to make that fully sure that the company is legal, here is the four-step guide. In addition to it, one step solution to check whether a company is registered legally. Let’s get started with the topic.

Know About the Company

The first easy step done by all is to search for the company’s essential information. Like the official address of the company, phone number and business name. This is essential for properly verifying if a company is legally registered.

Check for State Licenses and Permits 

Coming to the second step of verifying the company registration, it is necessary to check for state licenses. Different businesses require state license or permit to legally operate. Depending on the type of industry, state licenses etc. Check with the relevant state department or office if you are unsure about any required permits for your company.

Research Online About The Company

Begin by doing a quick online search for the company. See what websites are available and if any official government or regulatory organizations have information about the business. Also, be sure to read reviews left by customers or employees to verify their credibility.

Request a Copy of the Business License or Certificate

In some cases, a business may not be required to register with the government, such as sole proprietorships. If this is the case, you may need to ask for a copy of the company’s business license or certificate. This document will prove that it is legally registered. Also, you can use it to check that all of the company’s contact information.

The above 4 steps were the general principles to check if the company is registered legally or not. To know the legal aspect of verifying whether a company is legally registered or not, continue reading.

Checking the Company Registration through MCA Website

To exist in the legal world, it becomes necessary for a company to be legally registered on the MCA Website, also known as MCA Portal. Thus, no company can exist in India, without getting its registration done on the MCA.

Even after not considering the above 4 steps, this one-step can help you check the company registration. Here we begin with learning the legal aspect.

Step 1: Visit the MCA Website

Step 2: From the MCA Portal’s menu bar, select “MCA Services”.

Step 3: MCA Services will further serve you with a huge list from which you need to search for “Master Data”.

Step 4: The first option named as “View Company/LLP Master Data” is the desired option that you need to select.

Step 5: You are then required to fill the below categories, namely:-

  • Company/LLP Name
  • Enter Characters shown below

After filling in the asked details, submit the information. Doing so will complete your search and you can check the company’s official details. If the details of the company are there on the MCA Portal, then for obvious reasons the company is legally registered and if not, then you need to be careful.

Final Thought

All in all, this is the four-step guide to make you aware of whether a company is registered or not. The general steps involved, checking the company’s basic info at the first stage. Look for the state licenses, do online research, and request a copy of the document for verification etc are the other steps. On the other hand, there is also one step solution i.e. checking the company’s legal status through MCA Portal.

Hope you have got all the necessary stuff about the process of checking whether a company is legally registered or not. For any query, EAdvisors is just a call away. Consult EAdvisors and solve your queries instantly.

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