Petroleum Crude rate changed by CBIC
Here is the latest update on excise duty where Petroleum Crude rate changed by CBIC. Check to know the change in rate.
Here is the latest update on excise duty where Petroleum Crude rate changed by CBIC. Check to know the change in rate.
Check out the latest update released by the Central Board of Indirect Tax & Customs relating to exchange rate of import and export.
Check out the latest CBIC update regarding the amendment made in anti-dumping duty imposed on Cast Aluminium Alloy Wheels, Custom (ADD).
Check out the latest update by the department of CBIC stating “CBIC notifies for withdrawal of export duty on iron ore & steel products.
Check out the latest update by the CBIC relating to withdrawal of BCD exemption Anthracite and PCI Coal, Coke & Semi Coke and ferronickel.
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs issued a notification where it has released fixation rules of Tariff Value on certain goods.
A big relief announced by the CBDT regarding the extension of due date of filing TDS statement . Click to check the official circular.
CBDT has extended the due date for furnishing the Return of Income for Assessment year 2022-23 dated 26th October 2022.
Check out the recent update released by the Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs regarding “Imposition of CVD on Import of Saccharin”.
Here is the update from CBIC regarding the increase in AIDC on imports of Platinum. Check to know the changes made therein.